Yuan Li realm fighters can be regarded as the vitality division outside the threshold and did not even enter the vitality master.


Lin Yu, a genius in Yun He City, felt inadequate and weak for the first time.
Of course, Lin Yu would never do nothing. He immediately mobilized his physical strength to prepare for a desperate fight
Even if you die, let the other party stay as a souvenir!
"Come on!" Lin Yu drank and punched Zou Yang one by one.
Whoo! Zou Yang figure suddenly moved away from Lin Yu’s fist and quickly went around behind Lin Yu.
"Shit!" Lin Yu face crazy change want to turn to deal with but already can’t come!
"I want to fight hard with me, you are not qualified!" Square face with a ferocious punch towards just turned Lin Yu chest hit!
See Zou Yang Lin Yu flowers at the moment is back several steps.
In front of you is the tall figure that you are more familiar with.
"Dad …" Lin Yu’s heart is full of bitterness. "The child has humiliated you."
Bearer is Lin Xiao, the master of the Lins’ family.
Lin Xiaoci patted Lin Yu on the shoulder and comforted, "Yu ‘er is fine. Dad believes that you will be the best in mainland China!"
Being comforted by his father, Lin Yu felt ashamed of his father.
Lin Xiao comforted his son and immediately turned to Zou Yang and said calmly, "Zouyang Ergong 200,000 spar is our bottom line. If you want Yu ‘er to kowtow to you and apologize, it is impossible!"
What? Dad is going to pay for this guy?
That big guy is just a disorderly bite dog of Zou’s family, and it was he who first tried to hurt his second brother and even asked the Lins to pay a year’s net profit. How can this be done?
But for the powerful Zou family, the Lin family is just a local rich man, which is not the same as their big family.
Lin Yu naturally believes that Zou Jia has the ability to let his Lins quickly disappear from Yun He City.
At the thought of here, Lin Yu had to giggle and bite his teeth to force his anger down to his heart.
However, Zou Yang’s arrogance is used to being met by the Lins’ father, and where is he willing to do so?
"He doesn’t kowtow, but you can kowtow instead of him." Zou Yang said savagely.
"It’s too deceiving!" Lin Yu yazi splitting at this time, he couldn’t wait for the horse to cut this hateful guy to pieces, but he didn’t have the strength.
Lin Xiao cold way "that two male even don’t want two hundred thousand spar"
Zou Yang never expected that Lin Xiao, the owner of such a small town, dared to be so presumptuous and couldn’t help sneering repeatedly. "Well, we’ll see! Now you can roll! "
"Go!" Lin Xiao turned and patted his shoulder soft and said
Lin Yu immediately stunned and immediately angered, "This is our site to roll and they roll!"
Lin Xiao smiled casually. "Yu Er, from the moment you stepped in here, this is Yunjia’s territory."
What? Lin Yu immediately understood the meaning of his father’s words.
Lin Yu’s mind was white. In his mind, Zou Yang’s disdainful square face was clouded, and the abomination of the goblin was gradually blurred. He didn’t even know that he was like a south street square.
"Dad, I want to be alone." Lin Yu slouches at the top of Yunhe Mountain. He wants to go to the top of the mountain to blow the wind so that he can wake up.
Looking at his lost figure, Lin Xiao shook his head and sighed slightly, "Yu Er hopes you don’t pay attention to the knot."

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