"This is especially true."


Three prisoners suddenly to extrapolate a silly smile.
"What are you thinking, prisoner!" Xu Jianfei slapped him in the past!
After a while, Xu Jianfei suddenly felt something was wrong.
"What’s the name of this snakehead you are looking for?"
"What’s the name?" Three people out of the puzzling look "sa … sa …"
"Is it called Sazler? Is it a fallen dragon? "
"That’s right! How do you know! "
How should I know!
I knew it!
Chapter 591 You rabbit ran away
The arrival of these three prisoners is a good thing for the manor.
Xu Jian got the information he needed from them.
Cracks are a great threat to the manor, but it is better to know the reason than not to know.
Xu Jianfei thinks it is urgent to find out where this crack is. If it can be repaired before, it is best if it can’t be less, it won’t be caught off guard.
Xu Jian flew back to the manor and left the three prisoners to Xiaofu for processing, so he went directly to find Zhuang.
Who would have thought that Zhuang was not far away but not in the master’s room?
"Where’s the landlord?" Xu Jianfei asked two maids.
"The landlord put a strange thing to his face and said a few words and went out," replied the maid.
Xu Jianfei reacted for two minutes to know that Zhuang was not far away from receiving a message.
"Where did you go at this time?" Xu Jianfei scratched his head in wonder and went back.
Walking, he saw a white shadow running past him.
"Little! Smaller? Your rabbit ran away! " Xu Jianfei cried.
"That’s not my bunny!" Little holding a fat rabbit came and said
Zhuang is not far from being called out by Shi Haiteng.
"What’s the situation?" Not far from Fengqiao Research Institute, Shi Haiteng looked blue and wondered, "Did Xiaolei play games again?"
This kid is very tough. Are you okay after such a blow?
"No … this kid … this kid …" Shi Haiteng was angry and scared and didn’t know what to say. "Xiaoyuan, you said I wouldn’t raise a sociopath!"
"What’s the matter?" Zhuang was startled not far away. "What happened?"
Today, Shi Haiteng was called to scold by the teacher again.
"Today, a female classmate in Xiaolei class secretly brought her pet rabbit to the class and then … the rabbit was killed by Xiaolei …"
"The teacher said that when he saw Xiaolei, Xiaolei had a knife in his hand and his body was blood …" With this, Shi Haiteng shivered. "It’s so cruel to grow up so young?"
Zhuang looked at nearby circumstances Shi Xiaolei frowned.
"What did he say?"
"He said he wanted to hug the rabbit and accidentally hurt it, so he wanted to have an operation on it. His great-grandfather was dying and it would be nice to have an operation …"
Not far from Zhuang, I don’t know whether to cry or laugh or feel terrible
"This child often bullied his classmates and broke his classmates before violence was a big problem …"
Zhuang not far away wants to say that such a child should let him play games, so he won’t hurt others, right?
But he understands that Shi Haiteng wants to save his own mood.
"I wonder if I can let him know that violence can’t solve the problem … and bullying the weak is not what a man does." Shi Haiteng finished looking at Zhuang not far hopefully. "Is your monkey fighting badly?"
"Don’t you want me to beat him up?" I really don’t know whether to admire Shi Haiteng’s imagination or his responsibility.
"Maybe it would be nice to give him a beating …"
Are you really your own father?

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