Moreover, due to the high quality and low price of manor production, Fusang real estate has been losing ground, and it is almost impossible to fight back.


However, the whaling industry in Fusang involves more than 10 thousand practitioners, and a lot of benefits are transferred, which is actually inextricably linked with the agricultural association
Nong Hexin has been in Fusang for a long time and feels that this country is really too easy to be trapped.
The construction industry has covered the surplus infrastructure, the agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery industries have covered the market and policies of Fusang food, and now a small whaling industry has covered the whole Fusang state!
Everything is not isolated. The seizure of whaling ships in Green Island Port is just a fuse. There will be a war between Green Island Port and Fusang State sooner or later!
But the way of this war is not too strange.
Ten thousand whales closed the port?
Master Zhuang, can you be more imaginative?
How will this good play develop?
"We are all packed!" A worker from the state came over and asked Nong and Xin, "Do we really want to take these fruits back?" Success is too high as … "
"Of course we have to ship it back," Nong Hexin sneered. "Even if we spend more money, we won’t leave our agricultural products to these bastards!"
It’s a little expensive, but now you have to have a boat to go to sea if you want to ship.
"Oh …" The worker lifted the box and planned to move it to the truck outside, but paused and looked back at the fruit shop that had been swinging.
"Why? Not willing? " See him reluctant to part with the farmer and the new asked.
"Hmm … I remember that when I first came to Fusang six months ago, I still felt very conflicted and didn’t want to come. I didn’t expect that half a year had passed in the blink of an eye. At that time, we just started business without guests and gangs threatened to send flowers …" The worker shook his head. "It’s been half a year in the blink of an eye, but we have to leave again … it’s really a little reluctant to give up the Agricultural General Manager. This is our first overseas store .."
The workers are a little excited.
At that moment, even Nong and Xin had some chest fever.
Yes, this is their first overseas specialty store.
Although they used to be big farmers in virtual cities, they used to be small shrimps in other industries, but now they are already a number of private farmers in all States, and they are all going global.
And he also attaches great importance to this store, not only preparing it himself, but also arranging and checking every fruit before the industry.
Perhaps the best thing in life is these memories.
"Don’t worry, how they drive us away now and how they will invite us back in the future!" Nong and Xin patted the worker’s shoulder and lifted a box of fruit.
Just then, several policemen with guns suddenly rushed in outside the door.
"Mr. Nong, you have been formally arrested for allegedly participating in terrorist activities! Please cooperate with us to investigate! "
Said several special police officers threw themselves into the police car.
"Wow!" A box of fruit in his hand was scattered all over the floor.
"Pack the box and go back." Nong Hexin calmly got into the police car. "Mark my words!"
How to get rid of us and invite us back!
How to get me in and send me back!
My farmer and Newspeak are here!
Chapter 919 It’s time to kill a flag!
"Master Zhuang is not good!" In the manor, Nong Lixin ran over in a hurry and looked worried. "My brother, he … he was caught in Fusang!"
"What?" Zhuang is watching it not far away. At this time, the picture is replaying a picture of a whale fat overturning a 100,000-ton ship.
The 100,000-ton ship is ten times larger than the state aircraft carrier, and it is already a giant in terms of container ships. Some oil tankers and ore wheels can exceed its displacement, but they are as small as a leaf in the sea.
Whale fat and dozens of huge whales periodically set off huge waves on the side of the 10,000-ton ship, and the ship rocked and slammed into the side of the ship after several superpositions, and then the ship lay upside down on the sea.
When the whole process is less than two minutes.
These dozens of whales were obviously taken to the Whale Manor by Whale Fat to participate in the so-called trial, and they were very large.
The giant whale sanctuary should also be some kind of magical domestication facility. After passing through the sanctuary, almost all creatures have undergone qualitative changes.
Zhuang doesn’t know that it’s much easier for Whale Fat to overturn this huge ship than it seems, and it’s not so troublesome at all.
Moreover, the container ship like this is actually very fragile. Now, if you hit it in the middle, you can break it in two.
Whale fat is showing weakness. After all, it is a manor owner, not as stupid as it looks.
Not far from Zhuang, he is applauding Whale Fat. Nongli Xin rushed in.
Hearing the news, the manor immediately became busy and several words were played out.
Wait until the news is summarized not far from hou zhuang and flew into a rage!
"Fusang Prefecture deceives people too much!"
At this time, all the major industries in Zhuangyuan Banner are laying out to the surrounding areas, attracting a large number of manor industries because of the high profit of agricultural products in Fusang Prefecture.
After statistics, Fusang arrested seven people who were related to the manor.
Other workers were also detained and temporarily not allowed to leave the country.
Fusang arrested them on charges of "being suspected of participating in or supporting terrorist activities"
In addition, these seven people may be detained in Fusang for more than five years, and other workers may be detained for more than three months when the whole procedure of the recent lawsuit is added to the possible sentence.
Fusang Prefecture is not far away from Zhuang. Unless Zhuang is not far away, he will personally go to Fusang to explain what the attack and seizure of Fusang whaling ship are, and whether the giant whales are behind the siege of Fusang Prefecture, he will never let people go!
When the news came out, international public opinion was in an uproar
This tear has been getting worse since it was torn, but it’s really a slap in the face to catch people directly.
One state in Fusang has put pressure on the port surface of Green Island. Some people think it is simply bullying and cheating.

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