The old man is not courageous either. He dare not shout when he sees that Ai Hao has a knife and a gun.


In this way, the three men walked quickly in the direction of the snow shell.
Just out of the Woods, a cold wind blew over. Ai Hao felt something sliding in his legs, and then he looked down and his pants fell to his ankles.
The situation was so urgent just now that Ai Hao rushed out before he could fasten his belt.
In the dark, a cool breeze slowly blew through Ai Hao’s left hand with a knife and his right hand with a gun pants and fell to his feet. The picture was quite strange …
When the old man saw that there was no movement on the back side, he immediately turned to look at it.
The two men looked at the old man and woke up, "Brother, you … you just let me … I won’t run!" "
Chapter 195 A group of reliable old thunder
On the other side of the forest, the hiding places of Dachuan and others are not far apart, and Ai Hao has a gun, a knife and a black hand. When the two men are hesitant to resist, they have already reached Dachuan and others.
"Dachuan Dachuan …!" Ai Hao shouted two times
Dachuan and others are shivering in the snow shell at the moment. In fact, Ai Hao and the three of them found it as soon as they got close to the big guy, but it was already late at night, and it was too dark for them to see who was coming, and they were afraid to run around rashly for fear of attracting the attention of the other party. They were also preparing to take weapons to forcibly control the situation.
As soon as Ai Hao called Dachuan, he poked his head out of the snow shell and asked, "Fuck, why did you bring them back?"
"I shit and hit" Ai Haohui
"You silly b I let you come here to develop the team? There is no need to bring it back after hitting it? " Dachuan hunched over and got up.
"Hey!" Several brothers around Dachuan tackled two unlucky people for the first time and put them in the snow shell, fearing that cars would pass by and see figures in the snow.
Ai Hao leaned over to Dachuan and whispered, "These two people don’t know what it was. They accidentally bumped into me and turned their heads to run. I was afraid that there was a problem, so I controlled them."
"You’re really sad. It’s never a good time to come out with you." Dachuan said with a little impatience. "What do you think you can do when you bring them back?"
"Don’t talk to me, I don’t want to meet them." Ai Hao has no quality and won’t spoil his little brother. "You watch the whole thing."
Dachuan pulled out the army thorn from his leg and said very simply, "Don’t look at it and hurry to die."
This gang of bandits must be unaccustomed to the fact that two boys pull out their knives and will do it hard.
The old man’s nest in the snow shell almost scared the urine, shaking and shouting, "Brother … Brother, we are all Chinese compatriots, and it is not easy for you to save your life and want anything …"
Dachuan leaned over and asked very quickly, "What are you doing?"
"I … we just work."
"What do you mean when you see my brother shit and turn around and run?"
"I … I think there’s something wrong with him, even a bad guy."
"Then you see that we are not good people." Dachuan stabbed each other in the Adam’s apple with a knife. "You old light bulb, you’d better not bullshit me. What are you doing? !”
"We are really workers!"
"Don’t fucking workers have any frostbite in their hands and bodies?" Dachuan’s eyes glared. "Do you think I’m stupid?"
"Forget it, don’t ask. This old light bulb is dishonest." Ai Hao also got up.
"I said, I said, we are the communication engineering department of the harbor in the fifth district. We just got back from repairing the communication base in Bidu." The old man immediately said, "I was passing by and wanted to go to the toilet, but I didn’t expect to hit that brother."
"How many people?"
"Just the two of us" the old man returned
"Come on, quick stabbing and bloodletting" Dachuan beckoned with his hand and grabbed the old man’s neck directly. A young man with a knife was about to stab the old man’s chest.
"Brother, don’t poke!" The old man immediately raised his hand and replied, "There are four people who are with us. They are in the equipment car."
"Just four?" Dachuan hewen
"Yes, just four"
"Shit, let’s go back now. If the car isn’t for four people, my brother Ma did you," Dachuan said, pointing to each other.
"I didn’t lie to you, just four." The old man turned pale and replied.
Dachuan smell at the person next to him with a wave stepped back to his snow shell.
After a few seconds, Ai Hao and two middle-aged people also leaned in.
In the snow shell, Okawa said in a low voice, "These two people are definitely not coolies. You see, they are wearing good clothes and have no frostbite on their faces. They should be small officials. If they are not lying, it’s really the engineering team. Then someone will come and look for them."
"Yes" YiHao nodded.
"The four men have to hold on," Okawa said concisely.
"Can" a middle-aged nod.
"Don’t all go," Dachuan said, pointing to his middle-aged right side. "You take Xiaobao and they lead these two people to go first, Ai Hao, and I will lead four people to hold the remaining four for a while and meet them at the entrance."
"Go to work!"
The communication mode of Lao Lei is very simple. In a few words, they fiddled with things. Dachuan and Ai Hao led four good brothers to leave quickly after pressing out the position of the remaining four people.
After more than ten minutes.

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