Strangers, those who are in a hurry, also lack patience in this busy city.


Yang guang’s asking for directions was ignored several times, perhaps because his eyes were not enough to notice that those people were in a hurry. Later, he took a taxi to the talent market with a hundred-dollar bill.
Yang guang’s goal for himself is to find a place to settle down in this city for two thousand yuan, even if it is temporary, which seems a lot, but the consumption is too high.
Rent a house?
Sorry, the deposit money is not enough, and no one wants to rent it for a month alone. The prices of those rooms with a few square meters are quite high, and they are still in short supply.
He’s all saved money and made a living.
Spent 75 yuan to take a taxi and came to a large talent market.
There was a lot of traffic, but Yang Guang found himself out of place.
He doesn’t have a resume, and his clothes are different from ordinary people. Most job seekers wear some suits and ties, and even girls pay great attention to their external image.
People dressed in leisure ornaments look around, that is, a few people are scattered
When asked if he didn’t have a resume, he was rejected. When he looked at his clothes, he was rejected because he dressed too casually and didn’t seem to pay any attention to job hunting.
Their company needs employees to have a good image …
Yang guang may be recruited by some companies if he exudes fighters, even if he is just a martial artist, but I’m sorry if he acts as an ordinary person.
Nobody wants it.
Even after Yang Guang learned something about his resume from others’ chatting, he found that he had no possibility of being recruited, no work experience, no diploma or even more professional skills.
Everyone is so busy that no one cares about Yang Guang’s idea.
An idea of settle down.
This is life.
Chapter five hundred and seventeen Self-indulgence
Yang guang, a senior since want to get a chance in the world of mortals.
Then he "indulged in depravity" and successfully became an ordinary employee.
An assembly line employee
Because a job seeker made a "mocking" suggestion to him when he sneered.
"Even without a diploma, how can you be recruited to the top 500 enterprises in Dongguang Province? It is better to go to some factories as assembly line employees to eat and drink. "
Yang guang left the talent market and then went to a famous factory in the city.
It’s just to save money by riding crowded subways and buses.
Then he finally reached his destination.
But I learned that I didn’t recruit people.
Yang guang is a little lost. An ordinary person is very lost.
Now these factories have less and less manpower and are mechanized. The times are developing and some backward people are being eliminated.
Finally, Yang Guang became an assembly line employee of a food processing factory.
This production line is processed seafood.
What can recruit Yang Guang?
That’s because many people can’t bear the smell of the sea, even if they wear masks, they can’t prevent the bad smell. Yang Guang didn’t refuse or move anything to shield these normal smells.
After a few days of work, he seems to be walking like pickled seafood. When eating in the company cafeteria, many people avoid Yang Guangshi and are quite disgusted.
There are some employees in the same assembly line, and a small number of employees can be regarded as he is my brother. The salary of a new trial worker is a little lower than that of some other regular employees.
It can be seen how unpopular this thing is. After seafood processing, these fishy smells will be weakened a lot.
Yang guang stayed in this company named "Four Seasons Wang Food Company" and also lived in the staff dormitory. Of course, these roommates are all from the same assembly line.
The oldest of them is a man from southwest province, who is in his thirties this year. He has been in this company for a few years, and even his sense of smell has deteriorated a little.
Accustomed to the smell of the sea, it is difficult to distinguish other things from each other when they taste lighter.
Later, Yang Guang was idle and asked him.
He replied, "I dropped out of junior high school. I have been working everywhere in Dongguang Province for almost ten years without a diploma or anything. My salary is getting higher and higher and I have married a daughter-in-law."
When he said this, his mouth couldn’t help lifting slightly, and he looked very happy.
And there’s a mouth next to my roommate who doesn’t seem to have heard him say it. He hurriedly said, "Brother Yong, can you stand that smell?" When I’m with those beautiful women who talk about money, those women still dislike being old, but they don’t dislike money. "

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