It can be said that whether the road ahead of Yu Guihai is smooth depends on whether you can find Lu Yun Shendongfu as soon as possible.


Yuan Cangshan, he must find a place as soon as possible
According to his speculation, this place should be in the secular empire. If he wants to return to the secular world, he can take it from the secular world, which is very rare.
Yu Guihai sighed. He didn’t like this resigned situation very much.
He tidied up his mind, turned his hand and took out a diamond the size of a fist and a diamond the size of an egg yolk.
This is the goods in his hand, and all the other diamonds were broken by him and made into objects.
Yu Guihai thought for a while and began to cut the fist diamond to get a piece of diamond the size of egg yolk and some debris.
These crumbs are too small to make the nine-square talisman, just in case it is necessary to make the talisman.
And this piece of egg yolk-sized diamond, together with the other piece, is made into an enhanced picture scroll of Q9 talisman.
Chapter 392 Strengthening and horror
There is a limit to the number of diamonds. What kind of talisman can temporarily stabilize the picture?
Yu Guihai thought about it and soon had a plan.
He decided to make one Yin fire symbol, one Yin wind symbol, one Yin water symbol, one Earth symbol and one Ju Ling symbol, and four solid source symbols.
What the picture scroll needs now is to strengthen it so that it won’t collapse.
The other Yin Fire, Yin Wind, Yin Water, and Dark Earth symbols hold four solid source symbols to reinforce the control center.
The charm-gathering charm enables the scroll to automatically absorb the aura from the virtual, so that it can slowly recover and strengthen itself, but this speed is very slow. If I return to the sea, it may take tens of millions of years!
It took Yu Guihai half a night to carve out nine precious charms.
It’s mainly because diamonds are too hard to cut easily, but it’s really powerful to carve many complicated runes on the surface.
What’s worse, I returned to the sea, making the effect of the charm better. Every charm tries to instill the mysterious aura into him, and it costs one to be so powerful and vigorous.
But it’s all worth it
Yu Guihai checked a surrounding defense circle and trapped magic symbol circle to confirm that there is no problem, and then he took out the picture scroll and re-entered it.
He turned the palm of his hand to reveal nine golden rune diamonds the size of an egg yolk.
He looked around and cleaned up the collapsed corner first. Whether masonry, mud or broken wood and straw were carefully pasted in the hole, but only half of the corner was covered.
And he also needs aura to keep it from falling at all times.
Then Yu Guihai came to the four corners of the house and buried a charm in each corner. The four corners correspond to the yin fire symbol, the yin wind symbol, the yin water symbol and the ghost earth symbol respectively.
After these four charms were buried, there was a strange feeling immediately. It seemed that everything was bright and fresh, and the color of the blue bricks on the wall deepened a little.
Yu Guihai tried to withdraw Xuan Yin Reiki, but he barely pasted the roof corner and fixed himself without falling.
He took a closer look and found that the position seemed to have never collapsed.
"Sure enough!"
Yu Guihai was overjoyed.
In this way, he will no longer worry about the collapse of the picture scroll
Then Yu Guihai came to the statue.
The idol is full of cracks, and it seems that it will break at the slightest touch.
He pondered a little and put four solid source symbols in the middle of the statue, one before, one after and one after.
Reiki running four solid source symbols melted like ice, and the golden liquid quickly infiltrated into the humanoid idol.
A moment later, the idol has a very pale golden feeling, while the numerous cracks on its surface have decreased a lot, and it looks less fragile.
Yu Guihai nodded with satisfaction and then buried it in the center of the house with that poly charm.
As soon as this talisman was buried, there was a faint fluctuation, and within a moment, it had an extremely thin breath and condensed from all around.
This kind of breath can’t be detected, but for Yu Guihai’s extraordinary spirit and amazing perception, it is impossible to find this breath.
This is that the talisman can automatically strengthen the picture scroll by absorbing special aura from the virtual.
In addition to the danger that the picture scroll will collapse at any time, I returned to the sea to rest assured that my mind would move back.
After I came out, I went to the sea to see that it was close to dawn, so I upgraded a little bit to make up the six-pole golden body.
And the six-pole golden body automatically fills the sixth layer.

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